Important product features

Why Goldammer Multichoice PCI?

If you want quick measurements

The Goldammer Multichoice PCI series is based exclusively on measurement cards with a Freescale signal processor DSP56301 and, in the case of the cards in the Quattro series, a second signal processor DSP56307 / DSP56311, which carry out measurements quickly and reliably with high-precision timers. The data is stored in the memory of the measurement card so that no measured value can be lost if the PC does not collect the data for a short time. The size of the card’s internal buffers can be set very large for high-speed measurements so that the latency times of the host systems do not affect the measurement result.

If you want highly accurate measurements

The cards of the Multichoice PCI series are available with both 12-bit resolution and 16-bit resolution for the analog inputs and outputs. If this resolution is not sufficient for the acquisition or if the measurement signal is severely disturbed, you can activate oversampling on individual or all channels on all high-speed cards. The oversampling, which can be switched between 2x, 4x, 8x and 16x, mathematically calculates signal interference. The channel is recorded several times and averaged accordingly. This online function runs directly on the signal processor so that the measuring program used only receives the interference-free data as measured values. The 16-bit D / A outputs offer high-precision control of connected devices; the outputs can be compared at any time.

When you want safe measurements

By using the processors, the card carries out the programmed actions even when the operating system is busy or unstable. If the measurement card is to be used as an emergency shutdown system, the measurement card can run independently after setting the measurement parameters, so that an emergency shutdown is guaranteed even if the PC has crashed.

When you solve complex measuring tasks

The diversity of the individual measurement cards and the integration of a flexible bus system for expansions on the Quattro cards ensure that the systems can be used universally for a wide variety of tasks. Analog acquisition and output, digital input and output as well as the unique counter modules and pulse width output complete the required spectrum. The individual measurements can be clocked or started externally, set threshold value monitoring can be retriggerable if required so that the card immediately resumes monitoring after an event has occurred.

If you use digital regulations or online functions

All digital controls and online functions run independently of the host system on a signal processor on the card. Implementation on the processor ensures a minimal response time. Digital controls can run entirely on the card, so that the measured data does not have to be transported to the PC, calculated there and then transported back to the card in order to be written to the analog outputs. In this way, the smallest response times are achieved with controllers that would not be possible with software control. Online functions such as digital filters, Fourier transforms and other functions are also implemented directly on the processor, so that you only get the data you want to see without having to search for the data you want. The filter functions work directly on the measured values ​​so that the unwanted frequencies and signals are cut out directly.

If you use counter

The counter modules of the common measurement cards can often only be used for the measurement task in combination with other calculations on the host system. The Multichoice PCI series, on the other hand, offers counter modules developed in-house, which can be tailored to the most varied of needs or use a high level of complexity in the standard versions. These modules not only support pulse counting and frequency measurement with adjustable resolution, but also pulse width and period measurements with a resolution of 20/100 ns. Ready-made modules are available for special measuring sensors such as incremental encoders, which process the signals from these sensors directly without the need for processing on the host system during the measurement. If you use incremental encoders

If you want highly accurate output

Not only is the acquisition of the analog channels controlled by the high-precision timer on the measurement cards, you can also control the output using your own timer. With this method, very high output rates are achieved which could never be achieved with a PC-controlled output. Furthermore, such an output can be started or clocked externally via a digital pin in order to adapt to an external timer. A combination of the analog triggers with the analog outputs is possible so that an analog trigger that has occurred can start or stop the output. In addition to the analog output channels, the digital bits can be integrated into the clocked output. This allows you to control the analog channels with the digital bits in parallel.

Wenn Sie eigene Messanwendungen erstellen möchten

Neben den standardisierten Treibern für kommerzielle Messanwendungen bieten die Goldammer Multichoice PCI-Karten eine Programmierschnittstelle, mit der eine schnelle und unkomplizierte Erstellung eigener Anwendungen realisiert werden kann. Die hardwarespezifischen Zugriffe sowie die betriebssystemabhängigen Funktionen wurden vollständig in eine Dynamic Link Library (DLL) integriert, so dass die Erfassung eines analogen Messwertes durch einen einfachen Funktionsaufruf möglich ist. Bei dieser Programmierschnittstelle sind alle verfügbaren Messkarten der Multichoice PCI-Serie integriert, eine Anwendung für eine Multichoice lightPCI läuft ohne Einschränkungen auf einer Quattro, sofern keine kartenspezifischen Eigenschaften wie die analoge Kanalzahl überschritten werden. Es können alle Funktionen der Messkarten ohne Einschränkungen durch diese Programmierschnittstelle genutzt werden. Ausführlich kommentierte Beispielprogramme für die gängigsten Programmiersprachen sowie eine Dokumentation der Aufrufe stehen auf unserer Webseite zum kostenlosen Download zur Verfügung.

If you have problems with a measurement task

Goldammer GmbH does not limit its customer support to an answering machine or the reference to other companies, but accepts your problems personally and tries to find a solution to your problem within the shortest possible time. Problems are usually dealt with within 24 hours.

If you have very specific requirements

If there is a measurement task in spite of the variety of measurement cards that cannot be solved with the available cards, ask for specific adaptations. Customer-specific adaptations in the hardware as well as in the software are possible on request. The creation of special programs for the signal processor or the PC system can also be carried out on request.

If you want to get your hardware and software from a single source

At Goldammer GmbH you can not only obtain the respective measurement cards, but also the required measurement programs quickly and easily. So you have all components from a single source, instead of dealing with different suppliers and their different delivery conditions.

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