instructions for creating a support request inside a PopUp-Window

The online form for creating a support request

contains the following fields:

Full Name (required field)

Please enter your first and last name here.

Email Address (mandatory field)

Please enter your email address here. Your ticket number will be automatically sent to this address. You can use this number and your email address to contact us later

log in and follow the entire progress of your request or add further information.


You can enter your telephone number here; your problem may require an oral consultation.

Help Topic

Please make an initial pre-selection here for your problem allocation. You can choose from the areas of hardware support, software support and sales, depending on which you should design your error description text in the Message field:  

    1. Distribution

If you have any questions about prices, discounts, loaning devices, etc., please choose Sales as Help Topic .

    2. Hardware support

If you would like purchase advice
from us, please select the Help Topic
Hardware Support and describe your measurement task in the Message field .

If you
want to report
hardware defect for repair, select Hardware as Help Topic and enter the following information in the Message field :

  •  Error Description
  •  serial number
  •  Firmware version

The error description should answer the questions “What exactly is not working?” And “What caused this condition?”. The serial number of Goldammer devices can be found on a sticker on the underside or back of the housing, it has the structure XXXX-G0X-XXXX-X-XXXX (‘X’ is a placeholder), with OEM devices this sticker is on the circuit board . If you cannot find the serial number, the following information will help us to process your request quickly:

  • Device type (G0X-XXXX-X, see product list on )
  • Altera Stand
  •  Revision number
  • When did you buy?
  • Where was it bought (reseller name)?

For PCI cards:

Mask number of the DSP chip.
This is printed directly on the chip (middle line) and can be 3F48S or 2K30A.

    3. Software support

If you have any questions or problems, please select the Help Topic Software Support from the following areas:

  • Windows system driver
  • Our self-programming interface
  • Measurement software supported by us

We support the following measurement applications

If your question relates to one of these applications, the text you enter in the Message field should contain the following information:

You are welcome to attach a (packed) file created with this application (circuit diagram, LabVIEW VI, etc.) that demonstrates your problem.

For projects you have created yourself in LabVIEW and using our self- programming interface , it is advisable to send as small a program as possible as an attachment that demonstrates the error. That means: Remove all third-party references from your program because we probably don’t have them. The following information also helps us:

In the event of software errors or problems, the hardware used is always of interest to us, so you should also include this information (see section Hardware Support) in your message text:

Subject (mandatory field)

Please enter a short heading here that summarizes your problem or question.

Message (required field)

Please enter a detailed description of your problem here. Depending on the problem area, it should contain certain standard information. Please read the Help Topic section carefully and include all the required information in your description so that we can minimize the number of communication steps and solve your problem as quickly as possible.


Here you can send us attachments in the formats .doc, .pdf, .zip, .7z, .rar, or .txt, which will be helpful in solving the problem. These can be faulty own software projects, configuration files for standard software (Diadem scanners etc.) but also the actual description of the error, if you want to enrich them with images, for example. Please note that this should be mentioned in the Message field .

Captcha text (required field)

Please type in the alphanumeric automatically generated code from the picture next to it. This is just to make sure you are human and not a computer program.

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