What information do we need about your DASYLab installation?

In order to be able to process your support request as quickly as possible, we need the following information

  1. Which operating system version are you using exactly (Windows XP, Vista, 7.8 – 32 or 64Bit)?
  2. Which DASYLab version are you using?
  3. Which card do you use exactly? (see below)
  4. What is the version of your Goldammer Windows system driver? (see where can I find the version of my system driver ?)
  5. Which version does your DASYLab driver have? (see below)

Query version of DASYLab driver and card information

First drag an input or output channel of the relevant card onto a new circuit diagram:

A double click or the menu item Module properties in the context menu takes you to the properties dialog of the channel.

This contains a button Card info on the right-hand side , which in turn opens a dialog that contains all the information you need about the card and the DASYLab driver used:

Please send us all the information marked by the red border:

  1. Card type
  2. Serial number
  3. Customer
  4. Version driver DLL
  5. Hardware DLL version
  6. Version firmware DSP
  7. Firmware Altera Chip version
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